Thursday, September 10, 2009

The First Day

Hello my sweet Zoey,

It has been a long time since I saw you and your wonderful smiling face. I decided that I would begin an ongoing series of letters to you so that someday you could see that you are always in my heart and on my mind. It's too important to let this time go by without you knowing just how much I miss you.

I have been home from work sick with the flu and thinking. I know in my heart that the important things in life are not things ...they are the people that we know and love. I love you Zoey.

Remember the house we looked at the last time we visited. Well, I bought that house and moved into it this Spring. It doesn't look much like it did then...I had it painted, and new carpet and lots of other things to make it cozy. I have a big bookcase in the living room. The bookcase has 2 shelves with your photos on them. Each day as I pass by the bookshelves I see your smiling face and say "Hello sweetie".

Chou Chou had a bath today. She looks so pretty. She likes to go for a walk to the little park at the end of the street. Do you remember the Park? Someday we will walk down to the park and have fun.

It's back to school time for you. How much fun that must be. New clothes, new books, new lunch boxes and new friends. Friends are the best part of school after learning all the new can share it with them and laugh and play! I know you had a fun summer! I saw a photo of you and your sisters with your mom in a boat. It looked like so much were all full of smiles!!!

Keep smiling little girl and remember ....

When you feel a little breeze on your face just know that I am sending you kisses and love on the wings of butterflies.

Till next you,

Grandma Butterfly